Advice and conception
Light design and lighting planning
AV Media planning
Digital services
invitation of tenders with Contractual interview
3D implemenation planning
Electrical planning
Static load calculations
Supervision of the implementation
Construction management and controlling
Copyright: Kristof Lemp / Sebastian Damberger
Advice and conception
Light design and lighting planning
AV Media planning
invitation of tenders with Contractual interview
3D implemenation planning
Electrical planning
Static load calculations
Supervision of the implementation
Construction management and controlling
Copyright: Kristof Lemp / Atelier Markgraph
Advice and conception
Light design and lighting planning
AV Media planning
invitation of tenders with Contractual interview
3D implemenation planning
Electrical planning
Static load calculations
Supervision of the implementation
Construction management and controlling
Copyright: Kristof Lemp / Atelier Markgraph